Chapter Twenty–Two
I love my job.
I realise that every few people get to actually say that and mean it, but I do. There’s nothing quite as satisfying as doing something you love for a living, and knowing that you’re actually good at it.
Social media was never my thing, and I hated the idea of people being influencers, when the only ‘product‘ they’re marketing is themselves. But when there’s an actual product to sell, I’m your girl. Right from high school, I always knew that I wanted to work in marketing. So everything I ever did was to try and become somebody in that field. My marriage to Marcus had put a stop to my career for a while, but now I was back and ready to make a name for myself.
Rachel’s friend was the one who introduced me to my boss Joarma. The company was called Fluxx Marketing, and we mostly dealt with luxury brands by running ad campaigns for them, hosting events and marketing their products to a wider audience. It was the perfect job for me, and I could do it with the full knowledge that I never had to interact with any client unless it was absolutely necessary. I also didn’t allow my name to appear in anything, because that was just going to bring about a whole lot of negative press that we just didn’t need.
After over two years of working here, I was already an integral part of the company and when I got an email about a promotion where I was going to be the deputy–head of the department, I was over the moon.
‘Don’t think your talent has gone unnoticed,” Joanna said when I went into her office to thank her at the end of the day. “We recognize the hard work and dedication you’ve put into this company, and the mentality you have when it comes to your work is truly admirable.”
“Thank you so much,” I said. “I won’t let you down.”
“I know you won’t,” she said. “Otherwise, I wouldn’t have recommended you for the position.”
She handed me a file, then leaned back against her seat and placed her spectacles on her slightly greying hair.