Whenever things got ugly, he’d give me that disappointed look and say, “Vanessa and I are just friends now. She’s in poor health. Can’t you just stop this nonsense and leave her alone? She still has feelings for me, so stay away from her!”
Then he’d leave me behind and travel with her.
At 20, Owen was terrible at hiding his emotions. He was like a porcupine, offering Vanessa his vulnerable side while bristling every quill in my direction.
I lowered my head and picked up the pace, trying to slip away unnoticed.
Vanessa, looking flustered and anxious, called out, “Owen’s just trying to keep me company, Ms. Millar. Please don’t fight with him over me, okay? No one’s bringing their girlfriends to tonight’s singles party, so don’t read too much into it… Owen, Ms. Millar looks upset. Why don’t you try to cheer her up?”
Owen offered Vanessa a loving smile before responding nonchalantly, “Audrey won’t stay mad at me. She’s been more agreeable lately. Besides, if I tried to cheer her up, you’d get upset, and I couldn’t bear to see you like that.”
I froze, his words cutting through me like a sharp blade.
Owen’s frustration boiled over when he saw me still standing there. “What are you still doing here? Just the sight of you irritates me. Oh, and by the way, Vanessa’s going to start working here. I’ll be driving her to and from the office, so stay out of our way. Don’t make her upset.”
The following day, with swollen eyes from crying all night, I handed in the proposal I’d worked on through the night. Along with it, I submitted my resignation.
After leaving the director’s office, I made my way back to my desk to gather my things.
Just then, there was a commotion by the door. I looked up and saw Owen and Vanessa walking in. They were dressed in matching colors, their conversation light and full of laughter.
Owen’s hand rested protectively on Vanessa, his eyes soft with affection. They looked every bit like a couple at first sight.